Breaking Boundaries & Empowering Lives!

<span>Becoming</span> a Therapeutic Rider

Becoming a Therapeutic Rider

New riders will be scheduled as appropriate lesson spots become available. Those currently riding at Hope for the Trail will be given first priority when scheduling. If we are unable to schedule your rider, he/she will be put on a waiting list.

All riders new to Hope for the Trail must have an assessment before being scheduled in a lesson spot. Once an appropriate spot on the schedule has been identified, you will be called to schedule an assessment.

To enroll as a rider at Hope for the Trail, please carefully review the Explanation of Services, Class Information, and Audience Served,  then complete the New Therapeutic Rider Application – this form will provide the information we need to contact you when a lesson slot is available.

Once your application has been processed you will be contacted by our registrar. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 817-374-4780 or